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It’s back to school time and the excitement of new beginnings is in the air. Getting our kids ready for school with all the new supplies and clothes brings me back to that familiar feeling of September when everything was fresh and exciting . School wasn’t always my favorite but I do love to learn. Now we are the moms and back to school is for our kids. 

Or is it?

What if we recreated our own little You-niversity and called it MOM U. It would be just for you. A chance to focus a little time each day on the forever student inside us that wants to learn and grow. I used nap times to learn photography so I could take pictures of my children I treasure today. They were too little to remember me reading and practicing but I have all the proof in the images displayed in my house. Now I am teaching myself digital art and how to grow a business and my boys benefit from seeing that learning never stops.

If you are interested in starting your own MOM U, here are 5 steps on how to create your own.

  1. Pick a topic or hobby you have always wanted to try. Maybe you want to learn Italian cooking, photography, yoga or how to build a bookcase . The world is at your fingertips so let yourself explore. Choose a combination of podcast, YouTube videos, books or an influencer that you love that educates you on your subject. Really have fun with this and let yourself dream big. I’ve always loved Skillshare, it’s great for quick videos by talented creatives if you are looking to learn art.
  2. After you pick your subject for the semester, treat yourself to some new supplies. It doesn’t have to break the bank but a fresh new notebook and a fun pen or pencil can really bring you back to that youthful energy. Maybe even a new sweater that is super comfy and scholarly or coffee mug that inspires you as you sip and listen
  3. Create a space where you can “study”. It can be a corner with a comfy chair or clear off a table and make it your “desk”. If you’re learning about something that needs space to practice then the garage or outdoors may be the spot. Just make it your spot to be inspired. Decorate it and make it special. Tell the kids you’re going to school when you enter that spot. Maybe let them pack you a snack, if they are old enough. You will be modeling such great study skills during your semester at MOM U.
  4. Give yourself a daily goal to complete or mark time off each day to concentrate on the subject of your choice. Maybe it’s when the kids are watching their show, naptime or when they are at school if they are school age. I used to sit on my porch and watch video on photography while my little one was napping in the stroller. Most importantly, don’t let the chores or errands take you away or use them as an excuse to skip MOM U. It can be as little as 15 minutes a day but be consistent in however you choose to show up.
  5. Share what you are learning about with a friend or your partner or even on social media. You can even create a “study group” with other moms to share. By sharing it will help you stay accountable and you may inspire another mom to learn from you. When we share what we are learning it really helps us to stay motivated.

This list is just a starting point. It can be as serious or simple as you wish. It’s your YOU-niversity so you make the rules and grading criteria. Some days you will not want to go but those are the days you will need it most. Carving out these pockets of time to purposefully allow your brain to grow will be a gift and your future self will thank you.

I hope this list encourages you to start your own MOM U. You deserve to have new beginnings even as a mom. It’s a beautiful thing to never stop learning and growing!